Friday, November 25, 2011

What is the EASIEST way to catch a squirrel?

With a gun.What is the EASIEST way to catch a squirrel?
What kind of squirrel?

Striped ground squirrels are easy. Fill a 1 gallon jug with water and when you know that the squirrel is home, (you see him go in his hole) take the milk jug and tip it upside down into the hole. He will pop up right into the jug before it is even half empty. You tip the jug over and PRESTO you have a you have a squirrel float.

They have special traps for tree squirrels that you could get at a garden center.What is the EASIEST way to catch a squirrel?
Why do you want to catch a

squirrel? If you think it will be

a pet, don't try. their teeth and claws will make hamburger of you.

If they are being a nuisance in eating your wildbird food,

then the best thing to do is

block them from where you

don't want them.

You can't trap them, they're

too smart, you could poison

them, but then you would be

the villain. they know where

they've been born and they

will always come back.

It's just best to watch their

funny antics and make them

into pets. They don't eat much. the only BIG PROBLEM is if they build

nests in your attic.
You sneak up on it. ;0)
my grandparents hand feed their squirrel in their yard and they use wal-nuts if you are not makeing friends get a rat mouse zapper. but they are so cute - the squirrels.
Hang in a tree and act like a nut!! (lol)

Ok - if you weren't looking for the old joke.....then some fruit and nuts in a live trap would be the best way.
Go get a trap at your local garden supply store, or hardware store. The trick is to find what they like to eat to bait them in. Dog food usually works. Start spreading the bait right now before you put the trap out and get them used to eating it. If it doesn't eat it try something different. When you have found what they like put it in the trap in the area where you have been feeding them. good luck.
put salt on it's tail.... *smile*........
Your local animal control probably rents what they call humane traps. You bait them with those little packs of peanut butter you get when you order breakfasts at some fast food places. After the squirrel is caught you release it in a park or wooded area. Please be careful if it's a lactating female because they get VERY protective of their babies.

The Muse
in the attic?
they have traps for then you know.same kind of trap they would use for a beaver.
  • mask work
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