Tuesday, August 24, 2010

What do women find more physically attractive: a squirrel or a cardboard box?

if you choose the box, please give me the dimensions of the box...

if you choose the squirrel, please give the type of squirrel...What do women find more physically attractive: a squirrel or a cardboard box?
Squirrel, the rare desert squirrel

Pic: http://billperkins.us/images/squirrel_nu鈥?/a>What do women find more physically attractive: a squirrel or a cardboard box?
OMG, I'm cracking up at this random silly question! I would find a squirrel more attractive, because it is soft and furry instead of being cold and hard like a box. I prefer little red squirrels to little grey squirrels, but here in Ohio they're mostly grey.
definitely the box...any size...shoe box size is nice or jewelry box size...anything is better than an ugly old squirrel though
White Squirrel. (OMG RACISM)

wtf kind of question is this? seriously, you need to go to a psychiatrist. there is something mentally wrong with you.
They are equally unattractive.
Cardboard box-shoe size.
a cute brown happy squirrel.
A cardboard box, the size of the universe.
A squirrel. I'll only find a shoebox attractive if it has a pair of awesome shoes in it that are my size. Squirrels are so cute!
hehe flying squirrel!!!! they are soo cute and adorable! :)
Mrs. E. Cullen has the right idea. ;-)
your crazy
a red squirell :)

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