Saturday, August 21, 2010

Can an adult flying squirrel still bond with the owner.?

When he comes out he is always running away from me. He hardly ever comes out of his sleeping pouch.Can an adult flying squirrel still bond with the owner.?
With most rodents, it's a matter of developing trust between them and you. Start by offering it treats/food, be patient and just hold the treat for it, and eventually it will realize you're not there to hurt it. Don't try to pick it up or hold it right away.

Sometimes you may have to hold the treat for a while and if he won't take it, set it down and take your hand away.

As he starts to realize that you don't plan to hurt him he'll get used to you and recognize your scent and eventually you should be able to approach him without him running away.

Speak softly to him, never raise your voice (it will scare him) and just be very patient and gentle and hopefully he'll come around. Some though are too afraid of humans to ever really trust them - but hopefully with some gentle handling and letting him learn to trust you you'll end up with a friendly, loving pet!

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