Friday, November 25, 2011

Is there ever an open hunting season for ground/tree squirrel in San Diego or surrounding counties?

Have searched DFG and several related sites already; not too clear about the answer stillIs there ever an open hunting season for ground/tree squirrel in San Diego or surrounding counties?
Ground squirrels in Ca are vermin and can be shot with anything from a 22CB to a 50bmg shotgun and pistol are ok as well.

Tree (Or Gray) Squirrels are game animals that you can eat. There is a specific season for them as well.

For more information please visit the CA DFG web site and download the Small Mammal Hunting Regs. Starting on Pg14 is the tree squirrel information. I do not think you can hunt them in the SD Area. But check with the DFG to make sure.

You can download them from here in PDF format.鈥?/a>

Mr. B

By the way DO NOT DO NOT eat ground squirrels.Is there ever an open hunting season for ground/tree squirrel in San Diego or surrounding counties?
The last I heard, ground squirrels were considered a pest (general hunting license, no closed season), unless they are the Golden Mantled ground squirrel. The real Goldies look magnificent, with an elaborate gold and black figured ';saddle'; covering more than half (usually 3/4) their visible bodies! These are truly worth protecting, and are quite rare. Much more common, are ordinary ground squirrels sometimes with a bit of Goldie genetics visible in their rather meager markings, and no reasonable person would say these ones are specifically Gold Mantled ground squirrels. However, many underqualified and openly idiotic preservationists with badges have asserted that any markings at all are ';protected';. If this happens, take the evidence to court, and if the beastie was confiscated and destroyed, move for dismissal for lack of evidence, and petition the court to block the blockhead from government employment for incompetence. Squirrel meat tastes like rabbit. About 10% of ground squirrels (and their fleas) have Plague (yes, Plague!), and all taken squirrels should be boiled to make them safe to eat, after first shaking off all the fleas well away from camp! And don't nick yourself when cleaning one. If you do, and soon notice things getting strange in your throat glands, some common Terramycin antibiotic pills wipe it out. Too bad they didn't have the stuff way back when! Have some broad spectrum antibiotic (not penicillin, which is only gram negative) in your first aid kit for that, and to stop nasty infections well away from proper medical treatment facilities. Most ranchers and farmers welcome ground squirrel hunters, but as always, check local laws, as any city or county government can make even farting in the dark a crime. Use a good scope and a blind, to make easy head shots, with hollowpoint 22LR ordnance. Regards, Larry.

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